Working Papers
Working Paper
Is “Inflation First” Really “Rentiers First”? The Taylor Rule and Rentier Income in Industrialized Countries
Jul 2023
Central banks strongly favored rentier incomes in their reaction functions
Working Paper
Betting on Black Gold: Oil Speculation and U.S. Inflation (2020-2022)
Jun 2023
Were the sharp increases in prices during 2020-2022 due to fundamental shifts in supply and demand or are they attributable to excessive market speculation?
Working Paper
The Wage Effect of Workplace Sexual Harassment: Evidence for Women in Europe
Jun 2023
Changes to deeply entrenched systems of unequal gender power dynamics, roles and relations, underpinned by patriarchal values, are part of an effective response to the prevention of sexual harassment and its economic consequences.
Working Paper
The Anatomy of Cyber Risk
May 2023
Does cyber risk exposure, as opposed to actual incidents, affect firm outcomes?
Working Paper
Where Does the Money Go? An Analysis of Revenues in the GB Power Sector During the Energy Crisis
May 2023
Revenues to GB electricity generators in 2022 increased by almost £30bn, compared to pre-COVID levels.
Working Paper
The Perils of Antitrust Econometrics: Unrealistic Engel Curves, Inadequate Data, and Aggregation Bias
May 2023
Antitrust econometrics relies on often-implausible assumptions
Working Paper
The Gift of Sanctions: An Analysis of Assessments of the Russian Economy, 2022 – 2023
Apr 2023
Despite the shock and the costs, the sanctions imposed on the Russian economy were in the nature of a gift.
Working Paper
Current External Challenges to the Economic Expansion of Emerging Markets
Mar 2023
A Balance-of-Payments Constrained Growth Perspective
Working Paper
The Pursuit of Shareholder Value: Cisco’s Transformation from Innovation to Financialization
Feb 2023
On the dereliction of key US-based business corporations to take the lead in making the investments in organizational learning required to generate cutting-edge communication-infrastructure products.
Working Paper
Distributive Profiles Associated with Domestic Versus International Specialization in Global Value Chains
Feb 2023
If primary commodities and mid-to-high-tech manufacturing products are produced by industries with different wage shares, there are distributive implications of deepening trade integration with certain regions with respect to others.
Working Paper
What Next for the Post Covid Global Economy: Could Negative Supply Shocks Disrupt Other Fragile Systems?
Jan 2023
The principal threat to economic stability currently is the overhang of debt, both private and public.
Working Paper
Monopsony in Professional Labor Markets: Hospital System Concentration and Nurse Wages
Jan 2023
Increased hospital system consolidation in small Metropolitan Statistical Areas is adversely related to nurse wage growth.
Working Paper
Exorbitant Privilege? On the Rise (and Rise) of the Global Dollar System
Jan 2023
Things are going to break and central banks are going to have to respond, but the mental frame that most people will be using is not well suited for understanding how the world now works
Working Paper
Myth and Reality in the Great Inflation Debate: Supply Shocks and Wealth Effects in a Multipolar World Economy
Jan 2023
A critical reappraisal of the case in favor of monetary tightening pressed by inflation hawks is overdue.
Working Paper
Why Economists Should Support Populist Antitrust Goals
Dec 2022
The Consumer Welfare Standard is severely limited or defective, preventing it from being an appropriate standard for modern antitrust.