Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.
Musk and Tesla: Corporate Compensation, Financialization, and the Problem of Strategic Control
From the perspective of innovative enterprise, we ask how Musk might abuse his power of strategic control—and what that would mean for corporate governance reform.
How Do Tech Innovations Really Spread? New Evidence
New technologies appear to yield long-lasting benefits for the pioneer locations where they were originally developed.
Why Global Supply Chains Remain Vulnerable
Journalist Peter Goodman delves into the persistent problems with supply chains and how to fix them his new book, “How the World Ran Out of Everything,” in conversation with the Institute for New Economic Thinking
The Long Goodbye? Mitch McConnell and Big Money Politics
In a political system whose primary currency is not the vote but the dollar, McConnell’s role as leader has plainly been well-earned.
Work Longer, Die Sooner! America's Dire Need to Expand Social Security and Medicare
Experts are clear that working into old age often threatens the health and well-being of U.S. seniors.
How Should the Government Negotiate Medicare Drug Prices? A Guide for the Perplexed
The “maximum fair price” for a drug must not only be equitable to those with unmet medical needs who may benefit from the use of the drug but also provide equitable returns on both public and private sector investments.
Can Baby Bonds Fight the Wealth Gap and Racial Inequality? Connecticut Aims to Find Out.
Connecticut is the first state to fund and enact a baby bonds program, inspiring more states to create their own plans. Can it make a difference?
Unhappy New Year: How Austerity is Making a Comeback in Berlin and Brussels
Germany’s debt brake and EU fiscal rules will make it well neigh impossible for EU countries to fund the investments needed to decarbonize their economies.
American Household Debt: A Reappraisal
Which households are more exposed to financial risk and to what extent is their debt systemically relevant?
The Dutch Earthquake
The Golden Age of AI Complementarity?
Recent developments in AI have added fuel to debates that have long simmered amongst economists, which could lead to a rethinking of economics itself.