Working Paper
Working PaperTrump versus Biden: The Macroeconomics of the Second Coming
May 2024
The current paper returns to the key questions of wages and incomes and how wealth effects cripple reliance on interest rates to control inflation.
Working Paper
Working PaperTilting at Windmills: Bernanke and Blanchard’s Obsession with the Wage-Price Spiral
Apr 2024
How convincing is the model analysis by Bernanke and Blanchard? How empirically relevant are their mechanisms causing inflation – and how robust and plausible are their econometric findings?
Working Paper
Working PaperThe Art of Paradigm Maintenance: How the ‘Science of Monetary Policy’ tries to deal with the inflation of 2021-2023
Oct 2023
The re-emergence of inflation threw the ‘science of monetary policy’ off the rails. Do the new tweaks to the theory work?
Working Paper
Working PaperBetting on Black Gold: Oil Speculation and U.S. Inflation (2020-2022)
Jun 2023
Were the sharp increases in prices during 2020-2022 due to fundamental shifts in supply and demand or are they attributable to excessive market speculation?
Working Paper
Working PaperMyth and Reality in the Great Inflation Debate: Supply Shocks and Wealth Effects in a Multipolar World Economy
Jan 2023
A critical reappraisal of the case in favor of monetary tightening pressed by inflation hawks is overdue.
Working Paper
Working PaperInflation in the Time of Corona and War: The Plight of the Developing Economies
Nov 2022
Fears of ‘stagflation’ have come back to haunt macroeconomic policy makers all over the globe
Working Paper
Working PaperInflation in the Time of Corona and War
Jun 2022
Are there alternative, less socially costly, ways to bring inflation down?
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesGovernment Deficits and Interest Rates: A Keynesian View
Apr 2022
Contrary to the neoclassical loanable funds theory, historical bond yields show Keynes was right that “convictions” anchor long-term interest rates
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Economics and Politics of Social Democracy: A Reconsideration
May 2020
The popular discontent and rise of ‘populist’ political parties is closely related to the failure of New Labor to navigate social democracy’s dilemma.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe EU’s Green Deal: Bismarck’s ‘What Is Possible’ Versus Thunberg’s ‘What Is Imperative’
Apr 2020
This paper considers the ambition, scale, substance and strategy of the European Union’s Green Deal
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Global Impact of Brexit Uncertainty
Dec 2019
Using tools from computational linguistics, we construct new measures of the impact of Brexit on listed firms in the United States and around the world
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesFirm-Level Political Risk: Measurement and Effects
Jul 2019
We adapt simple tools from computational linguistics to construct a new measure of political risk faced by individual US firms: the share of their quarterly earnings conference calls that they devote to political risks.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesExpansionary Austerity and Reverse Causality: A Critique of the Conventional Approach
Jul 2019
It was too good to be true: Another effort to vindicate austerity falls victim to flawed methodology.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesDemand-determined potential output: a revision and update of Okun’s original method
May 2019
Everyone is waking up to the fact that estimates of what is possible in the economy are way off: this paper explains why
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe performativity of potential output: Pro-cyclicality and path dependency in coordinating European fiscal policies
Aug 2016
This paper analyzes the performative impact of the European Commission’s model for estimating ‘potential output’, which is used as a yardstick for measuring the ‘structural budget balance’ of EU countries and, hence, is crucial for coordinating European fiscal policies.