Government & Politics
Meet the Grinch Stealing the Future of Gen Y And Z
Dec 20, 2022
Salaries in the U.S. aren’t keeping up with inflation, despite pandemic-related increases in some sectors. That’s a major threat to the future for all working Americans – especially the youngest.
Bankman-Fried, Political Money, and the Crash of FTX
Dec 15, 2022
How Showering Money on Both Parties Paralyzed Regulators
Global Inflation Today: What Is to Be Done?
ConferencePERI Conference, featuring INET Research Director Thomas Ferguson and INET Grantees
Dec 2–Nov 3, 2022
Emerging out of the COVID lockdown, inflation in the U.S. and globally has risen to the highest levels in 40 years. On December 2-3, PERI will host a conference to explore the causes of this global inflation spike. Conference participants will also provide critical perspectives on the austerity macroeconomic policies being implemented globally to control inflation and will propose alternative policies capable of managing inflation without imposing austerity and rising mass unemployment.
India: The Path to Sustained Growth for the Next Decade
ConferenceNov 28–30, 2022
The 5th edition of the Law Economics Policy Conference (LEPC) is jointly organized by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, INET and FLAME University.
Worker’s Wages & Leverage Are the Real Targets
Nov 18, 2022
Why did Corporate Democrats “cede” the economic argument? Are they really fighting inflation or trying to weaken workers’ bargaining power? INET’s Thomas Ferguson joins Paul Jay on
Working Paper
Separating electricity from gas prices through Green Power Pools: Design options and evolution
Nov 2022
Moving away from fossil fuels, towards a system with a far greater contribution from variable renewables, means that the current system is not fit for purpose.
Trump and the Republican Base: A Machine Learning Approach (Revisited)
Nov 7, 2022
Economic issues are a primary part of Trump’s appeal to his base
Vikasarth 2022 Session 2: Emigration, Consumption Boom and the Service Economy
Webinar6:00pm-8:00pm IST
Sep 22, 2022
Thirty Years of Indian Economic Reforms: Assessing the Growth and Development of Kerala
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): A Brief Assessment
Sep 15, 2022
Servaas Storm’s commentary for an INET symposium on the Inflation Reduction Act
How Inflation Reduction Became Export Promotion
Sep 15, 2022
Thomas Ferguson’s commentary for an INET symposium on the Inflation Reduction Act
6 Economic Experts Reveal the Truth About the Inflation Reduction Act
Aug 30, 2022
Is it good for your wallet? A climate bill in disguise? Landmark action or nothingburger? Economic experts assess the Democrats’ legislative victory for the Institute for New Economic Thinking.
5th Annual UNCTAD-YSI Summer School
Challenges and Opportunities of a New International Economic Order
WorkshopAug 1–6, 2022
The 5th UNCTAD YSI Summer School provides an opportunity to explore the Challenges and Opportunities of a New International Economic Order. The school will bring together UNCTAD experts, academics, diplomats, and young scholars from across the globe for lively and stimulating intellectual debates.
Trading Fear for Hope
Jul 21, 2022
Frank McCourt discusses his work to reinspire hope in the American experiment, and to build the framework necessary for that better tomorrow.
What Happens when Big Brother Meets Big Tech
Jul 13, 2022
Author and law professor Maurice Stucke warns that as fundamental privacy rights vanish, your personal data can and will be used against you.
The World Trade Organization After the 12th Ministerial Conference
Jun 22, 2022
New mandates must beget new organizing