Complexity Economics
What About the Questions That Economics Can’t Answer?
Sep 24, 2012
Can economics be morally centered? And perhaps more importantly, should it be?
Conference paper
Taking Stock of Complexity Economics: A Comment
Apr 2012
I am supposed to speak about Complexity Economics and the issues this theoretical approach is able to illuminate. Defined as such, it appears as if I should discuss methodology and I am reminded of Paul Krugman’s quote: “It is said that those who can, do, while those who cannot, discuss methodology”. So, having a discussion centered on methodology may give the impression that the panelists in this session are unable to make scientific progress.
Taking Stock of Complexity Economics: Which Problems Does it Illuminate?
Apr 13, 2012 | 06:55—08:45
Complexity economics represents a different vision of the economic process and has the capacity to illuminate different systems of behavior.
Conference paper
Economics Needs to Treat The Economy as a Complex System
Apr 2012
The path to better understanding the economy requires treating the economy as the complex system that it really is. We need more realistic behavioral models, but even more important, we need to capture the most important components of the economy and their most important interactions, and make realistic models of institutions.
Conference paper
Reconstructing Economics: Agent Based Models and Complexity
Apr 2012
In 1803 Louis Poinsot, a French physicist, wrote a book of great success, Elements de Statique, which was destined to have practical and social influences unimaginable to the same author.
Exploring Complexity in Economic Theory
Apr 9, 2011 | 02:00—03:00
Conference paper
New Theories to Underpin Financial Reform
Apr 2010
As Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff remind us in the title of their book, This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, financial crises are nothing new (Reinhart and Rogoff (2009)). However, they often come as a surprise to many people because in most countries they appear only periodically.
Networks and Systemic Risk
Apr 8, 2010 | 08:15—09:45