PK308 Karachi - Islamabad B777-200/ER AP-BHX STD 1600 ATD 1610 STA 1755 ATA 1750 Flight time: 1 hour 40 minutes POB: 282 passengers Seat: Economy Plus, later Jumpseat

    Invalid request error occurred.   Airborne out of Karachi. Urban Sprawl of Karachi below. Invalid request error occurred.   Heading North direction. Invalid request error occurred.   Economy Plus section, same seat with better leg room. Invalid request error occurred.   Economy section. Invalid request error occurred.   Business Plus section. 2-3-2 Seating, a total of 35 seats in this section. Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   This is the in-flight meal between Karachi and Islamabad, not bad for a 1hour 45 mins flight! The Samosas are great! Invalid request error occurred.   We visited the cockpit about 20 minutes before landing into Islamabad. The sun is already setting fast. Invalid request error occurred.   How roomy the B777 cockpit is from a fish eye! Invalid request error occurred.   Approach into Islamabad. Invalid request error occurred.   Note the runway is to the left, the right hand side is a major road to the airport. Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   As expected, a very smooth landing followed by backtrack on the runway to the apron area. There are no taxiways adjacent to the runway at Islamabad.   Please see my YouTube video for the landing inside B777. Invalid request error occurred.   There are no aerobridges so we park on a remote bay. Islamabad airport is extremely small in sizes. Invalid request error occurred.   Stepping outside the PIA B777! Invalid request error occurred.   Some of the scenes at Islamabad airport. Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   I am staying at the Marriott Islamabad, the very same hotel suffered from a huge bombing incident killed over 50 people a few years ago. What they have done is built a new façade completely separated from the hotel building, so if any attack took place the impact will be limited. Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   Nice club room Invalid request error occurred.   They do celebrate Christmas in Pakistan from this point of view! Invalid request error occurred.   With my friend AN Invalid request error occurred. We went outside to meet some of AN’s friend who treated us to this great tasty “Lahori Tikka” restaurant. Invalid request error occurred.   Khalid and his wife received a copy of my new book Air2. Invalid request error occurred.   Zinger Fish. Invalid request error occurred.   Irresistible BBQ Grill Invalid request error occurred.   Some sort of curry chicken. Invalid request error occurred.   Some street scenes, very few foreigner around so I did raise some attention but it was ok. Invalid request error occurred.   Invalid request error occurred.   Night life at Islamabad, restaurant and ice cream store. Invalid request error occurred.   A famous book store where you can buy great Pakistani books. Invalid request error occurred.   Usual sight on the street, nicely decorated truck. Invalid request error occurred.