Update: The deal appears to be gone for now.

If you were thinking about booking a trip to Australia / New Zealand stop thinking and start booking. Flights are showing as available on American Airlines for 10k miles round trip.

To give you an idea of how amazing of a deal this is, even at the lowest level sAAver awards, this usually costs 80k miles round trip.

All flights available route through LAX.

a map of the world

The space is only available in coach. So far we have found routings departing from Los Angeles (LAX) Boston (BOS), Chicago (ORD), Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), New York (JFK) and Miami (MIA) .

The cost to buy 10,000 AA miles is just $300 and taxes & fees will add another $100 onto the ticket. You can fly round trip for $400 if you do not have miles available immediately.

This deal will not last long.

a screenshot of a computer
a screenshot of a computer
a screenshot of a computer screen

Have you found any other locations? Let us know below!