
Curated series of expert commentary and analyses of critical economic issues.

  1. The Green New Deal

    An INET collection on the development (or non-development) of a Green New Deal to tackle the climate crisis

  2. Profit-Led Inflation and Markups: A Discussion

    Michalis Nikiforos, Simon Grothe, and Servaas Storm criticize Marc Lavoie’s recent take on the current inflation debate. Marc Lavoie responds.

  3. The Banking Crisis: An INET Symposium

    Featuring articles by James B. Thomson and Walker F. Todd, Claudia Sahm, Gerald Epstein, Ronnie J. Phillips, Anastasia Nesvetailova, Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr., William Bergman, and Thomas Ferguson

  4. Focus on the Global South

    INET is invested in identifying the complex global interactions that influence poverty and development with a focus on strategies that have proven successful in promoting equitable growth, promoting capabilities, and reducing poverty.

  5. Symposium on the Inflation Reduction Act

    Servaas Storm, Steven Fazzari, and Thomas Ferguson comment on the Inflation Reduction Act

  6. Education

    We develop resources for students and educators interested in exploring new economic thinking.

  7. China

    A collection of INET analysis of the Chinese economy and US-China relations

  8. INET Climate Crisis Collection

    A collection of INET’s most important articles, videos, interviews, and working papers that deal with the climate crisis

  9. Economics Has A Race Problem

    Traditional economics, like the ethos of the “American Dream,” tells us that our individual talents and efforts determine whether or not we succeed in life. Yet, an overwhelming body of evidence shows that people of color have been denied the same opportunities to succeed in America. Race is not only a defining feature of social identity and an arbiter of access to power and privilege; for far too many Americans, race - a social construction - is a fundamental determinant of their economic destiny.

  10. Masters Series

    A tribute to stories and legacies of great economic thinkers like Kari Polanyi Levitt, Nancy Folbre, Dierdre McCloskey, Anwar Shaikh, Axel Leijonhufvud, James Crotty, Luigi Pasinetti & Marcello de Cecco

  11. Final Response: Andrew Smithers' Challenge to Lance Taylor's Global Savings Glut Paper

    A debate between Lance Taylor and Andrew Smithers on the alleged “global savings glut.” Smithers responds to Taylor’s INET working paper, to which Taylor then offers a rebuttal. A second round of the debate is now included as well.

  12. COVID-19 and Africa

    A series of interviews by Folashadé Soulé and Camilla Toulmin with African leaders on the pandemic.

  13. Race and Economics From INET

    A collection of INET’s research and articles on race and the US economy, reposted in connection with recent protests against police brutality in Black communities.

  14. The COVID-19 Economic Crisis

    Find all of our COVID-19 pandemic articles, webinars, and working papers here.

  15. Learn Economics at Home

    Stuck at home and already bored of Netflix? Then check out our #LearnEconAtHome series of video explainers you can watch from anywhere.

  16. A New Future for Antitrust?

    INET papers and articles related to our co-sponsored event at the University of Utah featuring conversations between Utah judges, law professors, attorneys & economists. Watch the sessions

  17. INET Economists Respond to Summers & Stansbury

    Lance Taylor, Servaas Storm, Mario Seccareccia and Marc Lavoie comment on Lawrence Summers and Anna Stansbury’s article titled “Whither Central Banking?”

  18. 11 New Economic Thinkers You Should Watch

    In commemoration of the 200th episode of INET’s New Economic Thinking video series, we’re highlighting 11 new economic thinkers who embody the INET spirit: creative thinking, passion for social justice, and fearlessness in breaking the status quo. If you like what you see, make sure to check out our YouTube channel for more!

  19. Diversity and Pluralism in Economics

    This new series will explore different takes on and claims about the challenges of women and minorities in economics, opening up a debate on a range of questions.

  20. Economics' Race Problem: A Video Playlist

    In this series, scholars and activists challenge economic orthodoxy by showing how race functions as an arbiter of access to power, privilege, and wealth.

  21. Is Green Growth Possible?

    Economists debate whether catastrophic global warming can be stopped while maintaining current levels of economic growth. Enno Schröder, Servaas Storm, Gregor Semieniuk, Lance Taylor, and Armon Rezai find there is a tradeoff between growth and decarbonization, while Michael Grubb responds with more optimism.

  22. Summers vs. Stiglitz

    Been following Larry Summers and Joe Stiglitz’s debate over secular stagnation? Check out their INET work on the topic here and decide for yourself who makes the better case.

  23. 2008: A Retrospective on the Financial Crisis

    Before 2008, mainstream economics thought a global economic crisis on the scale of the Great Depression was impossible. Then Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. A decade later, INET looks back at the causes of the global financial crisis, and what policymakers—and economists—must change to prevent another one.

  24. Cryptocurrency in Context

    Cryptocurrency is one of the hottest topics in finance, yet it is often misunderstood, both by the general public and self-proclaimed “experts.” In this collection, members of the INET community offer a broader look at the economics of cryptocurrency, and money itself.

  25. Italy and the Rise of "Populism"

    In March, Italian voters delivered a shocking rebuke to establishment politics, propelling the “populist” League and Five Star Movement into government in June. As Italy becomes the latest European country to elect a government full of “anti-establishment” promises, the question of how and why such governments get elected is of increasing importance. In this series, INET scholars investigate the political and economic consequences of Italy’s election, both within and beyond the country’s borders.

  26. The Crisis of Conformity in Economics

    Academia—and economics in particular—has increasingly placed emphasis on measures of research “quality” that do more to narrow intellectual exploration than they do to produce good scholarship. With a mandate of reforming the economics profession, INET has produced a series of research on the issues of evaluation and citations, academic conformity, and exactly what makes “good” economics.

  27. The Growing BRICS Economies

    A series on the changing economic dynamics of the BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

  28. MLK’s Economic Legacy

    Fifty years after the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., INET looks back at his forgotten economic legacy. In the final years of his life, these provocative positions made King controversial, and they remain as urgent now as they were then.

  29. The Bear Stearns Bailout, Ten Years Later

    Ten years ago, the investment bank Bear Stearns collapsed. Its controversial rescue by the Federal Reserve and JP Morgan Chase marked a prelude to the global financial crisis, which would begin in earnest in September 2008. As part of INET’s look back at the financial crisis, we offer this series of reflections on the Bear Stearns bailout, the financialization of debt, and the moral hazard of government bailouts of banks. 

  30. Global Commission

    Learn more about the Commission on Global Economic Transformation

  31. #NewEconomicThinking

    To commemorate the 150th episode of our video series, “New Economic Thinking,” we are highlighting some of the most compelling content from the series here.

  32. #INET2017

    Material from, and related to, INET’s 2017 conference: Reawakening

  33. America's Dual Economy: Why the Middle Class Is Vanishing

    A collection of INET research and articles on how and why the middle class has been shrinking and how this leads to a “dual economy”

  34. Economics of Innovation

    Focusing on understanding the context in which innovation is possible, and examining the role of innovation in growth and distribution.

  35. Gender Economics

    A collection of INET work on gender inequality, inclusion and diversity, and the broader economic consequences.

  36. Experts on Trial

    Widespread criticism of elites and their ‘experts ’ raises questions about how economists should perceive their role, and what role societies should give them. We invited four scholars to start an online conversation by sharing their perspectives. The symposium is also downloadable in booklet form.

  37. 2016 in Review

    Significant papers and contributions produced in 2016 under the INET rubric

  38. Political Turmoil

    Viewing economic outcomes as divorced from politics risks serious misunderstanding and virtually ensures regulatory failure.

  39. Trade

    International trade and investment are vital drivers of economic growth. As the size and shape of the world economy enters a new period of change, trade patterns reflect an evolving reality

  40. Economics of Race

    Investigating race as a driver of economic destiny.

  41. Economic Growth

    The global economy appears to be stuck in a pattern of low growth, low inflation and unresolved debt burdens. Is this a result of policy mistakes, or have the fundamental dynamics of the economy shifted into an era of little or no growth known as secular stagnation?

  42. Future of Europe

    New perspectives on Europe’s unfolding financial, economic and political crises

  43. Neoliberalism

    A debate over definitions of Neoliberalism from different historical and philosophical approaches.

  44. Rebuilding Trust

    Trust is an essential part of a functioning economy, yet it is often one of the least understood variables in economics. While trust is difficult to understand and measure in the context of economics, this type of innovative work enables new and important conversations about trust and how it affects the economy.

  45. Realigning Financial Regulation

    Has financial reform succeeded in realigning finance with society’s broader public interests? Here’s what several of our top experts have to say.